Services Offered

I have been practicing as a registered dietitian for over 7 years and have worked with people in a variety of settings. With the focus on preventative health and wellness, I also provide general nutrition information to include adult and adolescent weight management, medical cannabis nutrition education, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, diabetes, food allergies, and more.


Virtual Nutrition Counseling Services

  • During our initial visit (60 min), we will discuss your current nutrition status, stress levels, sleep, physical activity, and hydration- all important pieces of the puzzle. Meeting you where you are and identifying your goals is how we determine a plan from here. 


  • Follow up sessions (30-45 min) are the best way to support your goals and keep you on the right path to where you want to go in your nutrition journey. This process looks different for everyone and is entirely dependent on your needs.

If you would like to know more about the nutrition services offered, please email us or submit any questions or concerns here: